Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End of May

Here it is the end of May, the tomatos are starting to bloom, the bush and pole beans are poking through the ground and the okra is in the ground. Squash are in various stages, some getting ready to bloom. I am impressed withe the squash,cucumbers and tomatos growing in my bale garden, they too are in various stages from blooming to new bales in day three of preperation.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A few more pics


Well here it is the middle of May and after the rain slowed I Sara and I were able to get out 150 of our tomato plants ( Goliths,celerberties,pink girls,parks whoppers, and better boys) hopefully this weekend we can put out the other 150 (brandywines,brandyboys, boxcar willies, cherokee purple, aunt ginnys purple, kbx, and black cherry) I have started most of my seed this year and have really enjoyed that experience. My straw bale garden experiment is coming along nicely. pictured are some squash plants that have been set out a couple of weeks and they have grown quickly. We will also be planting our bush beans,pole beans and okra this weekend. Gizzard